

Activations: Number of Objects with at least one interaction in a given time period. 

(Status): The Object has been encoded, embedded, enabled and the object is live.

: A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.

Asset Type
: An object attribute. A physical asset where the NFC or QR is affixed to a physical thing, such as a product, product packaging, a bus shelter, etc.

Asset ID
: An object attribute. The ID that specifies the project of an Asset Type.


Components: Building blocks of the Studio Palette.  

: Key actions consumers take within an experience. A subset of Engagements. 

: Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. The CSS Box Model explains how HTML elements are visually constructed. Pixel guidelines, TRBL - Top, Right, Bottom, Left.

Custom Attributes: Unique data points defined by brands as specific characteristics of the physical thing the object represents. These fields are whitelisted only to Object managers meaning only the brand may define or change these values. They can be used within the Object manager for Object discovery (in search, filtering and sorting), in custom reporting, and as either dynamic content for display or in logic for Studio Experiences connected to the object.   

Any object manager with access to the organization the object apears in has access to update the custom attributes of the object.  There is no limt on the number of custom attributes an object manager can define for an object. 

Custom Tag Data
: Customer defined attributes in an object’s data, allowing you to create additional descriptive fields.


Dashboard: The space where you can view, edit and manage your objects, as well as view an overview of analytics.

Defective (Status): The Object isn't working properly. 

Demo (Status): The Object is being used simply for demonstration purposes.

DMA: Designated market area in the United States.


Enabled: The physical product or packaging has been connected with an added touchpoint technology, such as a URL redirect or mobile Experience, and has gone through the association process.

End User: The individual viewing and interacting with an Experience.

Engagement: Actions consumers take within an experience. 

Event Category (Google Analytics): The  name of the Component being interacted with.

Event Action (Google Analytics): What type of action occurs when the given Component is activated.

Event Label (Google Analytics): The URL where that action leads.

Experience: A web-based, personalized, mobile experience brands connect to products that consumers interact with that is built in the Studio.


Fallback:  A default value. In macro syntax, fallback values are indicated with a double pipe ||, called the fallback operator. This macro includes a fallback: {{ tag:data:custom_property || "fallback value" }}.

Fallback Experience: The Experience displayed if an Object is improperly configured or if there is no Studio file associated with it.


Hex Color Code: Code for specifying color using hexadecimal values. Beginning with (#) and followed by six values, the hex code refers typically to RGB color.


Inactive (Status): The Object is not enabled and is no longer hosting live Experiences.

Inventory (Status): The Object is not yet enabled.


Macro: Macros are short commands used in Blue Bite Studio fields that return associated data or values when the Experience is rendered on an end user’s phone. 

Macro Operator: The macro operator {{ }} indicates that text inside double curly braces should be treated as an expression and not as a string literal. 

Metadata: The text that displays in the browser tab. 


NFC: Near Field Communication is a technology standard based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) that does not require an internal power source to function and can transmit information wirelessly over small distances.


Object - Objects are unique digital ID's stored in the Object Manager that represent either serialized (a single) or non-serialized (multiple) physical things in the world. Each object in the Object Manager is assigned its own universally unique identifier (UUID) and will ultimately house all the attributes, identifiers and digital experiences assigned to the physical thing.

Object Variables: Similar to custom attributes, are unique data points initially defined by brands as specific characteristics of the physical thing the object represents. Where custom attributes and object variables differ is that while the former can be changed only by object managers the latter can also be updated by consumers themselves. This attribute type is typically most useful for situations like product registration or product sale state (where through a consumer action something about the product has changed).   

Any object manager with access to the organization the object appears in has access to create new or update object variables. While an object variable value can be updated through a consumer action, they cannot directly create new variables entirely. There is no limit on the number of variables an object manager can create for an object.


Palette: Houses the building blocks to your mobile Experience in the Studio editor. 

: View the content assigned to the object.

Projects: A type of collection used to group related objects and experiences together. Projects track and aggregate activity metrics across all objects within the collection and display that activity in collection-specific dashboard visualizations that can be used by Object Managers to get a sense of the success of specific campaigns.

Project Custom Attributes: Unique data points that are defined by brands as specific project level characteristics of the grouping of objects being associated together. They can be used within the Object Manager as a reference point only.


QR: Quick Response Code or QR Code is a barcode that can be scanned with a phone camera. It stores small strings of information, usually a URL, enabling access to web content.


Status: Status of object. Useful for object management. 

String Literal:
A string literal is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed within quotation marks. 

: Blue Bite’s mobile Experience builder that provides the tools to bring rich content directly to the end user. 

Studio File
: Each new Experience configuration is called a Studio file and will have its own Name, Description, and ID.


Touchpoint: The connecting technology scanned by a consumer. A representation of the actual interaction point for an Object.

Touchpoint URL: The specific encoded URL on the physical touchpoint which identifies an individual object and directs consumers to a specific web experience.

Touchpoint Protocols: The URL formula or schema used to construct the link that consumers will use to navigate through.

Touchpoint Technologies: The physical (or digital) form factor acting as an entry point to an experience. Examples include QR code, NFC tag, Image scan, Button on a web page, etc..

Tracking ID: Google Analytics Tracking Code (e.g.: UA-000000000-0).


UID: The alphanumeric unique identifier of an individual NFC tag that cannot be erased or modified.


Vandalized (Status): The Object have been tampered with and are no longer working as expected. 

Venue Type: An object attribute. The type of venue where the object is located, e.g. taxi. 

Venue Name
: An object attribute. The name of the venue where the object is located, e.g. NYC taxi. 

A type of NFC authenticator.


Wrappers: Containers for Components in the Studio Palette which add special features that provide styling and utility.