Adding Google Analytics tracking code to your experiences provides a free and easy way to track users and how they use the experience. You’ll be able to track the number of users, number of sessions, average time spent in the experience and more. Google provides a helpful handbook on how to use Google Analytics and what information it collects.

Adding an existing Google Analytics account to an experience is easy. If you do not have an account, Google provides simple instructions on how to create one. 

Enabling Google Analytics Within an Experience

Copy your Google Analytics Tracking ID

In Google Analytics, go to → Admin → Tracking Info → Tracking Code (ex: UA-000000000-0).

Add the Code to Your Experience

Select “Google Analytics” in the Analytics Type drop down and input your code in the Tracking ID field.

To get even more out of your Google Analytics integration, head over to the Analytics page, where you’ll learn more about event tracking and Google Analytics dimensions. You can use these for even more detailed tracking, including tracking multiple experiences. 

May 21, 2020



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